How to get in touch with us

We will help you prepare for your adventure in Germany and support you throughout the entire process. If you have any questions you can contact us via email or phone.

Ayusa International e. V.
Giesebrechtstraße 10
10629 Berlin, Germany

Contact for au pairs and tutors:

Phone: +49 30 843939-30

Email au pair program:

Email tutor program:

Contact for high school exchange students:

Phone: +49 30 843939-19


Kristin Ayusa International e.V.
Kristin Otto

Au pair & Tutor Programs

Kristin was an au pair in the U.S. and also spent some time as a hostess and tour guide in Spain.

Astrid Ayusa International e.V.
Astrid Dittberner

High School Programs

Astrid was an exchange student in the U.S., and did an internship in Spain.